Wednesday, July 7, 2010

chewing on a bottle cap

I want to write a book! That is my biggest life ambition. Yes, yes i want to be successful and rich and yada yada but my life will never feel complete if i don't write [and publish] some kind of novel.

I've gained weight [as I just posted on twitter].
Also, im forgetting the names of my best friends because I never see them anymore. Been playin A LOT of sims lately.
Maybe thats why I'm having these random book writing urges, it's an effect of constant solidarity. Where are my parents anyway?!!

My dogs look really upset. No seriously, it looks like someone stole all of their bones.


Thursday, July 1, 2010


I bought a blender, a desk, and a thermos.
I am going to the lake.
I assembled said desk [by myself!]

i had more to say, but just nevermind