The only thing changin' is my way of thinkin'
and i'm think that maybe somedayyy
somebody's gonna give you a lesson in leavin'
somebody's gonna give you back what you've been givin'
and i hope that i'm around
to watch 'em knock you down
Kick ASS song :]
there's a few very[?] i'd like to introduce you to.
Meet my best friends!
we're going to get along GREAT :]
Lately I've taken a small [extremely long] break from exercising and the lazy part of me has been simply overjoyed. But tonight I spontaneously decided to go for a jog [at high speed for half an hour]. It was ....I mean to explain...WHY DID I EVER STOP RUNNING?!! The other half of my soul woke up and started dancing in ecstasy :] I feel so accomplished and happy! My head is clear and functioning correctly...not that it isn't always fully functional... uh anyway.. working out=thebestthingever [besides cheese nips..or oreos..or chai tea..or muffins...or puppies...nevermind]
yeah pretty much my life too. and thannks for the following blog thing and i would love to return the fav but you have an issue with your blog and you cant click anywhere to follow it. just fyi.
Haha, I love this. Exercise and I are also becoming reaquainted.(sp).
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