Sunday, January 11, 2009

Well We Had a Lot of Dreams When We Were Younger

They thought we were crazy but we had the hunger.

I deleted the music playing post because I couldn't make it shut up. Also, I have published an old blog that used to be saved as a draft.

Things are changing incredibly fast. I'm growing up so much that I hardly recognize the girl in the mirror [until she makes a stupid face].

I had another weird dream last night. For some reason I was playing rock band in the middle of the mall and then I took off my shoes [sperry's] and some old man stole them so I had to chase him down to the food court. I woke up laughing and wondering why I had to take my shoes off anyway. But yeah that was the first time I used my alice in wonderland dream journal YAY!

My five favorite songs at this moment in time are as follows:
1. Single Ladies
2. If I Were a Boy [of course!]
3. Fool-hearted man
4. Bye bye
5. Vampire! [even though I can't find it to download!!!]

 this postsecret stole my heart today [ ] 

Oh and I fixed my camera!!! I think it still needs a new battery but at least it turns on, right?And I think I'm going to take driver's education, on my own free will. Because my parents are bad teachers and I'm sick of having near death experiences everyday. I had something else to say but I forgot so here's an adorable video for your enjoyment! [I hope the code works]



Unknown said...

I didn't know you were on blogspot! (:

I love yours!

Unknown said...

Well it was about CALEB! Chris made a joke about how he didn't want to bring me home and I was jk, but I said "Fine, I'd rather have Caleb bring me home."

He flipped out later that night. He was all like, "you know what I loved today?"

"when today after school you told me that you would rather have caleb take you home. That sure made me feel bad. Its not enough that people always ask why you and him are always walking together and stuff and why they always see you riding with him, but then you said that. So uhh, yea, thanks for that"

that was THE text, then he said he was busy and couldn't talk. Today at school he was fine though. We're cool now.