- Throw a crazy-huge party
- Become a youtube celebrity
- Get rich
- Be a journalist
- Live in a rockin apartment
- Go somewhere important every week
- Move to Europe for a year or so
- Get my own 'people'
- Not get married
- Not get knocked up
- Keep children out of the picture
- Get a tiny, convenient dog
- Write a novel
- Learn to surf
- Not die surfing hardcore waves
- Retire before age 50
- Have TONS of super hot guy friends that will never love me
- Own multiple houses
- Have a horse
- Kill an elk
- Keep my best friend forever [shove her in a box so she can't run away]
- Stop being so creepy
- Go to college
- Obtain a magical flying broomstick
- Narrow this list down
- Put my parents in a nursing home
- Help build a library
- Stop writing this list.....
Alllrighty so this is a list of totally awesome things that I would love to, but most likely will never, do. Well, some of them are possible. Like getting a flying broomstick, oh yeah, it's gonna happen.
This is so annoying. During the day at school I come up with hundreds of sweet blog ideas but when I get here they vacate my mind. Oh but here's a neat word: superfluous.
- \su̇-ˈpər-flü-əs\
- adjective
- Etymology:
- Middle English, from Latin superfluus, literally, running over, from superfluere to overflow, from super- + fluere to flow
- 15th century
EXAMPLE: There will be no need for superfluous comments today.
I am so proud of myself for learning this. I challenge you to use this word sometime in the upcoming week. Humor me :]
I love movie night..1408 is a great movie! But I laughed at most of the scary parts, goodness help me.
Tomorrow I think I'll humor my family by watching my three year old cousin's first soccer game.
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