No more coffee for me, EVER. It feels like I'm having an out of body experience inside my skin. I've got a headache to rule all migraines. Me drinking coffee again in the next 30 days is about as likely to happen as me having a kid in the same time period. Speaking of kids, I had this really trippy dream the other night that I was pregnant with triplets. But I didn't want any of them because I had already given birth to a beautiful perfect child. Oh and apparently I got pregnant on the back of a turtle....ANYWAY.
If you want a good laugh and you don't mind reading, try "The Center of the Universe, Yep That would be Me" I seriously related to this book on a very real level, and I'm not trying to be funny, it made me laugh out loud. Thanks Kat :]

Oh and wish me luck, I'm going shopping for a homecoming dress in 6 hours [because my lame family discouraged me from getting the dress of my dreams--not the pregnant dream]

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