2 weeks until christmas break! Ah I can hardly wait! So, what do you want from Santa?
Saturday, December 6, 2008
It's been quite a while! Where to start, where to start...I'm sorry but John and Kate plus 8 is terribly distracting. Hmm.... I've hijacked my sister's mac notebook for the night and her television also :] UGh, about that election. NO. NO. A huge pile of NO. Mom, can we move to Paris, or like, Mexico?! Oh well the economy's going to crash even worse than my mother's Toyota Avalon a month ago [and that was pretty horrible]. But any-who, Mitchell Davis is still amazing but i've managed to stifle the obsession in a futile effort to be less strange. [youtube--livelavalive] OKayy here's a question. Why on earth would anyone get GRAY streaks in their hair? I mean I'm no hair diva but i've always thought gray hair was a bad thing... whatever! I wish I was a ballerina... just saying. OH and if anyone is looking for a movie to watch, DO NOT go see The Strangers. It sucks, but feel free to watch The Haunting of Molly Heartly. I enjoyed it very much, witch probably explains some things. Also, if you're looking for a laugh, Twilight the movie is HILARIOUSLY funny. Mostly because of the horrid acting. I mean Edward's face when Bella first walked into the room, c'mon man, seriously. I did enjoy it though :]
Monday, October 13, 2008
Finally Contempt With the Past I Regret
I'm moving on , last I can see, life has been patiently waiting for me.--Rascal flatts
I don't live in New York, London, or even California. I accept that fact and I'm going to be just fine right here, in Texas. But I'm still gonna get the hell out of here as soon as possible. Anywho...
It's homecoming week at school and the days are as follows : Monday-farmer day [wth?]; tuesday-twin day [ohh yess]; wednessday-
I don't live in New York, London, or even California. I accept that fact and I'm going to be just fine right here, in Texas. But I'm still gonna get the hell out of here as soon as possible. Anywho...
It's homecoming week at school and the days are as follows : Monday-farmer day [wth?]; tuesday-twin day [ohh yess]; wednessday-
Friday, October 3, 2008
To Do: [no order]
- Throw a crazy-huge party
- Become a youtube celebrity
- Get rich
- Be a journalist
- Live in a rockin apartment
- Go somewhere important every week
- Move to Europe for a year or so
- Get my own 'people'
- Not get married
- Not get knocked up
- Keep children out of the picture
- Get a tiny, convenient dog
- Write a novel
- Learn to surf
- Not die surfing hardcore waves
- Retire before age 50
- Have TONS of super hot guy friends that will never love me
- Own multiple houses
- Have a horse
- Kill an elk
- Keep my best friend forever [shove her in a box so she can't run away]
- Stop being so creepy
- Go to college
- Obtain a magical flying broomstick
- Narrow this list down
- Put my parents in a nursing home
- Help build a library
- Stop writing this list.....
Alllrighty so this is a list of totally awesome things that I would love to, but most likely will never, do. Well, some of them are possible. Like getting a flying broomstick, oh yeah, it's gonna happen.
This is so annoying. During the day at school I come up with hundreds of sweet blog ideas but when I get here they vacate my mind. Oh but here's a neat word: superfluous.
- \su̇-ˈpər-flü-əs\
- adjective
- Etymology:
- Middle English, from Latin superfluus, literally, running over, from superfluere to overflow, from super- + fluere to flow
- 15th century
EXAMPLE: There will be no need for superfluous comments today.
I am so proud of myself for learning this. I challenge you to use this word sometime in the upcoming week. Humor me :]
I love movie night..1408 is a great movie! But I laughed at most of the scary parts, goodness help me.
Tomorrow I think I'll humor my family by watching my three year old cousin's first soccer game.
Friday, September 26, 2008
I'm Done With It
No more coffee for me, EVER. It feels like I'm having an out of body experience inside my skin. I've got a headache to rule all migraines. Me drinking coffee again in the next 30 days is about as likely to happen as me having a kid in the same time period. Speaking of kids, I had this really trippy dream the other night that I was pregnant with triplets. But I didn't want any of them because I had already given birth to a beautiful perfect child. Oh and apparently I got pregnant on the back of a turtle....ANYWAY.
If you want a good laugh and you don't mind reading, try "The Center of the Universe, Yep That would be Me" I seriously related to this book on a very real level, and I'm not trying to be funny, it made me laugh out loud. Thanks Kat :]

Oh and wish me luck, I'm going shopping for a homecoming dress in 6 hours [because my lame family discouraged me from getting the dress of my dreams--not the pregnant dream]

If you want a good laugh and you don't mind reading, try "The Center of the Universe, Yep That would be Me" I seriously related to this book on a very real level, and I'm not trying to be funny, it made me laugh out loud. Thanks Kat :]
Oh and wish me luck, I'm going shopping for a homecoming dress in 6 hours [because my lame family discouraged me from getting the dress of my dreams--not the pregnant dream]

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
emotion, notion, lotion, potion, quotion?
Today I hate the emotions that come with being a girl. Why couldn't God have made me a potted flower...or a nice vase? I would just sit there and look pretty...no expectations..just being THERE. Just sitting and looking pretty doesn't work so well for me in this life. If rebirth exists, God will you please make a candle stick holder next time? I do not want responsibilities or feelings. I could get knocked off a table and broken, but I wouldn't care. I wouldn't feel a thing. People could treat me horribly all day long, but I would not notice. No nerves, no brain, no voice. No problem. Alas, I was not lucky enough to be an inanimate object. So I think to myself, if God chose me to be a human and not a pot then I must have some higher purpose, right? Maybe He gives the beings with questionable morales human bodies to see what they will do with free will. I don't know, all of this is beyond me. I just wish it was Friday.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Life, as is.
I just got home from the Berry Ranch, which was alright I suppose. I caught a fish, see

..it was kind of small..
And I found the PERFECT dress for homecoming! Sorry, no spoiler pictures ;] I'm ordering it online from Delia's, witch, by the way, is an amazing store that the world needs. Let's hope it fits...
I'm really excited at the moment [despite a horrible case of hiccups] because tomorrow Kat, Kris, and I are going shopping and then having a sleepover [like the losers we are].
Thats all for today :]
p.s. -I want to live somewhere exciting like New York or California
I just got home from the Berry Ranch, which was alright I suppose. I caught a fish, see
..it was kind of small..
And I found the PERFECT dress for homecoming! Sorry, no spoiler pictures ;] I'm ordering it online from Delia's, witch, by the way, is an amazing store that the world needs. Let's hope it fits...
I'm really excited at the moment [despite a horrible case of hiccups] because tomorrow Kat, Kris, and I are going shopping and then having a sleepover [like the losers we are].
Thats all for today :]
p.s. -I want to live somewhere exciting like New York or California
Thursday, September 18, 2008
1st Blog EVER
Hello world, I'm Dani. I really hate how the computer gives me spelling suggestions for my name. It's D-A-N-I.
ANYWAY this is my new blog [duh], daniocracy. Fortunately for you the world is not a daniocracy. That would be really bad considering that I can't even make my bed in the morning.
This blog is basically going to be me just writing whatever I feel like. That should be the deffiniton of 'blogging' -writing whatever you feel like.
I have a cold right now and the verizon internet hook up is slower than my grandma so I'm not really sure what's going to happen in this, my first blog.
There was a hurricane that made lots of rain and cancelled school. I feel like poo and it's chilly in here. I'm at the hunting ranch with my dad and grandpa. I was going to put some fun pictures up but the internet seems to be even more limited than my math skills.
I don't want to make this too jam packed with random goodness so, until next time,
love dani
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